Monday, May 9, 2016

my mothers day

I'm finally back and you know from looking at the title i'm gonna talk about my mothers day. So the beginning of mothers day went great for me and my mom I was sleeping in while my mom stay up all night pretty much for a gift my dad bought my mom. When the gift finally came she squealed like a dog whistle that is how high pitched it was. She went crazy the gift was a fruit bouquet with a vase. 

So that was my morning in the afternoon I walked to the store with my friend Mario and got a Gatorade we played basketball all day while my mom went to Golden Coral. Then we played football with a ten year old kid we met he was garbage so it will waste time explaining the game, so we dominated. 

Then my mom left again at night so I had to stay home it was so boring and when they got back I was mad because I had to leave because when my mom leave I go in her room because she have the best room in the house. So that was how my mothers day went but not really my mothers day because i'm not a girl and have no kids because i'm only thirteen but I think you understand what i'm saying. I hope all of y'all had great mother days.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Sorry for the delay guys on the blog post I was just backed up because I had a lot of stuff to do like FSA training and bringing up my grade. I just had to post this blog to tell you guys whats going on and I might not post for a while because I have to study more.So dont expect me to be posting and be like oh my god he never post anymore and dont worry i am gonna start posting in like may. oh and for the people who dont know what FSA is its like FCAT but more up to date.

Monday, March 21, 2016

My friend Ghost's new youtube channel

My friend Ghost has a new YouTube channel I cant say his real name because he want to keep it a secret so i'm gonna call him ghost because that is part of his YouTube channel name.Obviously I subscribed to him he plays games on PlayStation 4 and Xbox 1. I'm gonna get a PlayStation 4 or Xbox 1 so I can play with him in one of his videos. He started off great because he has a lot of friends so he can ask them to subscribe to him.Most new Youtuber's start with only like one subscriber or two if they're lucky but he has 10 subscribers that's awesome they are mainly his friends he has a lot of friends.This is the picture he has for his channel.

His channel is awesome he is really good at being a youtuber it's hard to believe that he just started youtubing.I saw him play a weird game called Broforce it's one of them low graphic pixel game.He said he like games like that I think he will play anything seeing him play that.when I get my PlayStation 4 or Xbox one i'm gonna play with him.

command block creation

A new command block creation I don't think I told you guy's about the command that allows you to fight Popularmmos, but now you can fight GamingWithJen that's awesome. First you would have to fight her minions and it is really hard even with enchanted diamond armor, enchanted golden apples, and an enchanted diamond sword. you will need more than one set of armor that is how long it will take you and you will still die so I want to know who can defeat jen and her minions without dying.

picture this with a Jen face and bad graphics.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

It came

Last week the new season of epic proportions went up it was so awesome. The first episode of epic proportions season 9 is a building challenge Pat made a sword house and Jen made her usual heart house.The heart is made out of pink wool obviously and she always have to be the best she added windows and used trap doors as shutters.She always add extra stuff like shutters to be the best.

I just cant wait for the next episode i hope they do it every week which i know they will.To be specific I hope they do a mining challenge next episode.So lets get off that subject and talk about something important they need to add back in Orespawn I think that everyone would like it if there was Orespawn.I already sent Pat a message asking him to add in Orespawn I didn't get my answer yet but I know other people wil ask and have the answer so that is the end i'm just gonna add a picture of it.

Monday, February 22, 2016

So close

I cannot wait for the next season of epic proportions it's going up sometime this week I just can't wait that's why this post is named so close I don't think my new readers know what epic proportions is. Actually I don't know if I told you guys and gals what epic proportions is let me fill you in. Epic proportions is a Minecraft series that Popularmmos and Gamingwithjen play it's like a modded survival. Actually it is a modded survival now that I filled everyone in that don't know what epic proportions is. This is a picture of on of there modded survivals and an awesome thing is that this is season 9 I'm about to show a picture of season 1. Although Jen wasn't in season 1.

Image result for popularmmos epic proportions season 1

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Changing Things up a little

The only reason last time I talked about KasaanTv is because all i do is talk about minecraft so I want to change up the pace. I think it would get boring if I just talk about new mods and stuff Popularmmos do. I'm just saying this to clear things up and won't be angry. So for now on i'm gonna start posting twice a week once for Minecraft and once for call of duty. That might be good for you call of duty lovers anyway. Oh and sometimes I might blog a little extra to be ahead.

Monday, February 8, 2016


Man there is this really funny YouTube gamer named kasaan. he plays games like call of duty black ops 3, ghost, advanced warfare and grand theft auto. his call of duty video name is troll god he funny he be making jokes about other people and make them mad that's the troll you can't chew him. i'm subscribed to him because he so funny i'm lucky my friend told me about him. this is Kasaan to me he looks like future I don't know about you.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Info share

The way I get all of my info is when Pat and Jen post new mods and stuff like that they are Minecraft gamers who I watch on YouTube I do not know if I told you about them but if i haven't now i am they are a married couple who play Minecraft obviously. pat is better though but only because he played way longer then Jen but she is still good. she tends to fall in holes a lot. she is really girly loves the color pink and her favorite type of animal is a puffer fish they have a cat and make series and this is there Minecraft skins.

Now lets talk about pat he is into TNT and hardcore stuff like strong stuff like cool iron golems and explosions the bigger the explosion the more he like it so basically the bigger the better. so there is my info source i'm subscribed to both Jen's channel and Pat's channel if I was you I would consider subscribing but you don't have to if you don't want to i'm just throwing it out there.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

When I heard of Popularmmos and Gamingwithjen

I remember when I wrote about why I love Minecraft but I never wrote about how I learned and first heard about it. It wads about two years ago and there's was this new youtuber and he started playing minecraft. I found him on YouTube because everybody was talking about Minecraft in my old school so I went to check it out. Since then I lived it and now I love it even more because now he got jen he had her with him for a while but i watched him for so long that it wasn't even long ago to me she makes it better and more funny. So that's how I learned about minecraft.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Another mod

The last time I was here I talked about what mince aft can do and why I liked about it. Now I'm going to talk about more important stuff on minecraft that is mods. There is a new mod out that updates the nether with a new boss weapons armor and mobs. The new mobs are the nether spider, reaper and two new bosses I cannot prounouce . The first one lives in a dungeon s if you want to get to him there is one thousand other mobs you have to defeat. Just know this when you do get to him make sure to have enchanted golden apples,and that brings me to the new food there is only one thing and that is a black apple don't eat it if you don't want the wither effect you can give it to a friend and troll them say it gives them wither protection. Now on to the armor there are many different types of armor but the one I'm going to explain is the blah set I say that because I don't know how to pronounce it. It gives you a speed 2 and it is beastly. The armor has a sword, shovel, picaxe, and a hoe. Now the weapons all of the sets have a weapon that comes with it, but there is a weapon that the boss drops it is also beastly better than the other weapons. Something has finally happened that I always wanted the nether now have trees and those apples I wad talking about that gives you the wither drops off of thr tree. So that is the new update to the nether bye and see you next time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The reasons

Minecraft minecraft all I talk about is minecraft well I'll tell you why. First I love it that was obvious ok I will be serious first It gives  me something to do like a real challenge. Second y can do almost anything on minecraft, you can even get on the real Internet in minecraft and you can play real games look up real websites and everything else just like the inernet, all you have to do is gather the right materials and set it up. Third and last it's a game everybody love games even if you don't like games you can just think of it as a better life.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Awesome withers

There is a new dimension in minecaft and it comes with a new mod called the titans mod it makes giant mobs spawn in your world. Such as giant spiders and zombies the only mob they do not have is a witch and that upsets me so about the new dimension. The giant wither has its own dimension and I have one tip that is never go there it is impossible to beat that giant wither and the giant wither has its own wither army so all I can say is never go there.

I could go for a "sandwitch"

I found a new Minecraft mod it is the witches mod. it adds two new witches to Minecraft the ice witch and forest witch. The ice witch has a special move that is an ice bomb and you can deflect it but only with your open hand or with a pickaxe if you do not have a pickaxe and wont have time to switch to an open hand you're screwed. the forest witch doesn't have much but it does have minions and a tree robot and with that robot it is unstoppable even with full diamond armor and a diamond sword you still cant kill it only with a diamond sword with the best enchants on it

Monday, January 4, 2016

The gift that set me free

My Christmas was awesome i finally got a new computer for Christmas so it would be way better to play Minecraft on my new computer. I also got me some awesome crimson colored shoes but I will talk about that another time.